Tuesday 30 June 2009

Still here....

I felt I needed to pop on and say hello, I've been neglecting my blog lately, just busy being a mum, I'm happy if not just a little frayed at the edges.


Sarah said...

A blog is easy to neglect when life gets overwhelming. Much more important to be in the moment with Charlie.

Now that I've been blogging for awhile, it actually *centers* me, reminds me to focus on the little, tiny, important moments, but for the first few years it was a distraction and just one more thing to do. I had no compunction about letting it slide.

Though I do love it when you post!

Cam said...

I use the excuse that it's summer, and the sunshine beckons us outdoors.

Enjoy your time, and we will all be ready to read a post whenever the opportunity strikes!

Much love!

sunnymama said...

I've been neglecting my blog too! I was just calling in here to say hello, and it's good to hear I'm not the only one that's just a little frayed at the edges ;) Just being a mum is the best though :)