Sunday 23 September 2012

Arty stuff

We bought a set of lacing cards, just to leave them lying around and see if Charlie showed any interest in them....well yes he did, he really loved sitting there lacing away. I sat with him, not helping but just chatting, it was a lovely way to spend an hour.

We also had a go at Waldorf style wet on wet painting, which was very relaxing, in fact I am discovering a side to me that I didn't know I had. I was always told at school that I just wasn't artistic!! Well look here my old teachers...I am good because I am having there!

 These number cards are just beautiful, what a gorgeous way to play with numbers.

Charlie insisted that we bought this children's magazine while we were in the coop the other day, I had visions of it being ignored when we got home but when he found the robot activity we set about making him the jazziest robot ever.

A beautiful necklace made by my clever son.